
Current Events

Current Events #1

While reading through Canadian Family (September 2011) magazine this week I came across an article titled School Primer. The articled looked at issues and educational innovations in Canadian Schools.  Two sections caught my attention and I thought were worth sharing.
Innovations; a section that promotes school libraries as the hub of the school, a place where students use the latest technological devices to learn and create and where teacher-librarians must be knowledgeable in digital and social media. I found this very timely as there has been a lot of discussion amongst our staff about leading the charge when it comes to technology. 
Technology; this section too resonated with me as it looked at the use of Twitter as a learning tool in the classroom.  What surprised me most in the article was that a Grade 4 teacher was quoted about their student’s use of Twitter.  I guess I just assumed Twitter was for older students.

Current Events #2

I am not sure if other school boards provide their employees with weekly “tech tips”, but here on PEI the Western School Board has provided us with such a service since 2006. I will admit that I do not use this service very much, not much at all actually. However, since the commencement of EDES 501 I have been exploring the site and there are a number of posts that you may find relevant to both your teaching and your own learning. There is a wealth of information that I think could be very useful for Assignment #3, I plan on adding this site to my Google Reader. I hope you find it useful too.
Western School Board Technology Blog

Current Events #3

The Globe and Mail published an article in their September 30th issue titled Online ed: The future of rural learning or high-tech home school? The article contends that students in rural communities spend hours a day being transported on buses to and from their respective schools.  With a school district that spans the size of Canada’s smallest province, Alberta’s Prairie Rose School district is looking for alternatives to long bus rides.  Suggestions such as online and video conferencing courses were among the topics discussed at a recent forum for remote learning.  The article is worth taking a look at; many insightful ideas from invested partners were shared.

Current Events #4

Steve Wheeler posted on his blog - The Ripple Effect - which highlights the power of social networking.  He promotes social networking and highlights the benefits for both producers and consumers.  He states that social networking can have a positive effect on learning.  By posting to the Web we are putting ourselves "out there" for an unknown audience that can converse with us.  Allowing for dialogue that might not have taken place other wise. Social media can reach the masses, unlike a single producer, thus "the ripple effect."


Current events #5

PEI educators have a unique opportunity to come together for professional development at an annual 2 day convention in October.  This past week we had the privileged to participate in a variety of breakout sessions as well as being treated to a number of powerful keynote speakers.  Steven van Zoost was one of the highlights of this year’s convention.  His address zoomed in on assessment in a 21st century classroom.  Using 6 vignettes to engage the audience he presented a number of approaches for assessment of 21st century readers and writers.   What resonated with me was that his ideas were based on practical assessments tried in real classroom on real students. He used a variety of Web 2.0 tools to engage his students throughout the course of their inquiry projects, many of which I recognized!  

If you have not read any of his material I would suggest you check him out at:

Current Events #6

This week’s current event is Richard Byrne’s blog Free Technology for Teachers.  This site offers readers daily updates on websites and free resources that may be used in their own practice. The site has numerous accolades from Edublog and if you have an opportunity to check it out you will see why.  Byrne has gathered a multitude of resources, both online and print, that he offers to educators. There are free ebooks on his bookshelf at Shelf by Issuu, free software for teachers, free apps and much much more.  One post offers educators various time management applications to help teach students how to prioritorize and keep track of their assignments.  There are many benefits to using an online management system, not only for students but also for educators.  To-Do-Lists

A couple of posts that I found especially pertinent are both his Google Tutorials and Creating Blogs and Websites. They have been very helpful with my inquiry into Web 2.0 tools.

Free Technology for Teachers

Current Event #7

As I have been engaging in the world of blogging over the past few weeks I have begun to see that the act of blogging could be a useful tool in the classroom.  Although, at times, I have been very frustrated with the learning curve that I am on I have to admit that there are many benefits to blogging in an educational environment.  Student centered blogging activities allow for a variety of authentic learning outcomes to be met.  Students engage in meaning reading and writing activities that promotes confidence and allows the student’s portfolio to be exposed to a global audience.  Student blogging increases parental involvement and also provides a platform for students to be praised.  There are many advantages to student blogging and although I have only touch on a few I suggest checking out the following links for more reasons why students should blog.

10 Reasons Why Students Should Blog

20 reasons why students should blog

Blogging in Education Today

Current Events #8
Are Schools of Today, Schools of Tomorrow?
Prince Edward Island has formed an Education Commission to delve into the nuts and bolts of the Islands Education system.  From the Department of Education right down to the classroom student this committee, with the help of Islanders, will take a long hard look at the education offered to Island children and in turn it hopes to shape the future direction of PEI’s education system.    
Education Governance Commission Website

As you can imagine this is an important time in education on PEI.  How our children learn and grow as global citizens is at a critical stage in the history of Island education.  The decisions made today could affect students 20 years into our future.   
With this in mind I began to search the Web.  I stumbled across an article that refers to iZones in inner city schools in NYC.  This design experiment is a three year model that challenges NYC state schools to reinvent their delivery of education to their students.  To have a more individualized focus that will help develop the necessary skills that students will need to successfully enter the “unpredictable, fast-moving modern economy”.    

With the Island education system working towards improving the education system this is an interesting and timely article.   I wonder what an Island school will look like in the coming years.  Will there be enough forward thinking to not only move PEI’s education system into the 21st century but also to create a model that will be embraced by others?  

Current Events #9
I have spent a lot of time over the past number of weeks learning from Edublogs.  One particular blog I came across this week that I would like to share is The Edublogger. The post that caught my attention was Top widgets for the sidebar of your class or students blog.
In my proposal I stated that I would add a widget or gadget on a weekly basis throughout the inquiry project.  At the time I didn’t even really know what these were, but it sounded like a good idea!  Now, looking back I am glad I took the time to discover some of the many options available. I have learned a lot finding and adding additions to the sidebar of my blog.  And I had fun too!

Current Events #10
For my 10th and final current events I would like to share a YouTube Video that I found on the edutopia blog.  Over the past number of weeks while participating in my own exploration of Web 2.0 tools I have realized the many benefits to incorporating Web tools into my professional life.  This video helps demonstrate the different directions that online inquiry can and will take learners. The video design was inspired by Common Craft, with their permission, and chronicles the journey of a student through an online inquiry.  The educator’s role is redefined and among other descriptors is referred to as a change agent.  I like that and am looking forward to bringing change to my students and colleagues as I continue on this journey.   


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